by Lina Elmajdoubi,
Staff Writer
The following story was written by a student on the staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism Production course.
Night is a memoir by Elie Wiesel read by students in the Hilliard City School District. The book discusses the significance of the Holocaust. Wiesel talks about his experience and the things he went through in the book. The topics covered throughout the story prove to bring in a lot of different emotions and opinions for the students in Bradley.
I am so happy that I got to read this book that I love so much. I had a very different opinion about it when my English teacher announced that we were reading a book about the Holocaust. Maddie Johnson (9), says “yes, it is important for people to know that history. Because not a lot of people know about it.” Many Bradley students such as myself agree with Maddie’s opinion and think that students should learn more about the Holocaust and it’s effects. I think it is great that we are mature enough to understand and be trusted with this information. Riann Payne (10), says “I think it is important that we learn about it, but I don’t think it should be the only thing that gets taught.” I personally think we should learn about all sorts of things not just the Holocaust because they are world wide topics and we should be concerned about them.

Overall I think the whole world would agree with me when I say that the Holocaust is has a very devastating story and meaning to all of us. Rylee Bins (9), says “it was a big part of the world’s history and it gives an insight on how religion played a big role when that happened.” We should always keep the Jewish people in our memories. Because If we forget them, then they would have died for nothing. Mr. Rawlings, an English teacher says, “yes it is, so many things happened in history that you hear people say like, oh I remember when.” If people don’t go through it or learn about it then I don’t think they understand how important it is. Mrs. Cowles, an other English teacher says, “I definitely think it is important for students to learn about the Holocaust because the Holocaust is one of the biggest examples of genocide in the world but the reality is genocides are still happening in the world right now.” Just because the world has gotten better doesn’t mean that all the hate is gone, which is why reading ‘Night’ is so important.
We should be open- minded to learning about new traditions, ideas, and history. No one deserves or should be discriminated against because of their race, religion, culture, skin color, or beliefs. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and be confident in sharing them. We shouldn’t be afraid of change or taking risks on the things we care about because if we don’t then we won’t be able to accomplish anything in life. The world is a safe place and we need to keep it and make it that way.