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Horoscopes: real and believable or just dumb fun?

Writer's picture: Nathanael HaskellNathanael Haskell

by Nathanael Haskell

Staff Writer

The following story was written by a student on the staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism Production course.

Horoscopes can be fun research projects or special interests to take part in as long as you do it healthily. Some people take it too far from what I have gathered and some don’t find enough fun in it. I personally find some horoscopes to be harmless fun, like the tiktok trend bones, no bones. Some horoscopes, however, like zodiac signs I feel can be misleading and harmful if taken seriously.

When asked about their opinion on horoscopes, Caleb Hill (12) said, “I think that horoscopes are interesting and I think that some of them are true but I don’t necessarily believe in all of it.” I find this to be a fair assessment, but I do disagree on one thing: I don’t find any horoscopes to be true. I think you can actively participate in something for the fun of it while knowing it isn’t real. I feel as if people cling to horoscopes as a way to make sense of an otherwise messy life.

Mrs. Santille had a very tame take on the subject, stating “I don't read my own but I think it’s great if other people read theirs.” It is understandable to not read your own and I appreciate her not putting others down. It’s good to be able to disagree with others and still respect their opinion.

Jared Mars (11) had a less tame opinion and said “Horoscopes are kinda dumb and not true.” I do agree one hundred percent but, I think they are a fun kind of dumb opposed to an annoying kind. This opinion is backed by Mrs. Cote who thought, “Horoscopes are written for entertainment value only, I don’t believe in them.” Which I feel is a less fluffy way of what I think, the only ones I follow are for entertainment and serotonin. It’s just a fun thing to look at from time to time. Which Saad Loukili (11) seems to agree with stating “They are funny to look at and joke about but, they mean nothing.” This seems to be the overarching theme and agreement among everyone.

This general consensus continues with Amelia Harris (10) who displayed her thoughts saying, “it’s funny to look up a random horoscope website and see what is written in for my sign. I feel like it’s like that dog on TikTok, Noodle, and his predictions on bones or no bones day. It’s not supposed to predict anything, but instead it’s all in good fun.” This is, once again, similar to my opinion. I especially agree with Noodle’s bones no bones day.

Overall it seems as if everyone is in some form of agreement. Everyone I talked to had an opinion that boiled down to not believing any of it to be true, but seeing it as a way to have fun and blow off steam. No one has issues with people having a little fun so if you do believe in them continue, it’s your opinion and your choice.


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