The following story was written by a student on the staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism Production course.
by Kate Hedrick
Arts, Style, & Beauty Editor
On March 3rd, the Jag Times ran an advert on that day’s broadcast asking interested students to share a little about their pets. We asked for a name, a picture, and what makes them the unique, lovable pets that they are. For your reading pleasure, here are twelve of the goodest boys and girls of Bradley.
Sheba- Mack Wilkinson
“She’s a cute, loving dog, and she loves to bark out the window.”
Kobe- Ren Conklin
“He wears ties and is a gentleman. He can also turn on the bath and open water bottles.”
Oskar- Allyson McKean
“Oskar is a 14 year old Dachshund. He loves all food and will eat anything, except for bananas because he’s scared of them.”
Allie- Rachel Chenos
“When you are sleeping, she will lay next to you and rest her head on your neck.”
Zoro- Samantha Hoyt
“My dog is a German Shepherd. Both of her ears are supposed to stand up, but only one of them stands up because she is a rescue.”
Lucky- Cailee Ritz
“Since she was a little kitten, she has absolutely loved cabinets. She will be hiding in a kitchen cabinet sleeping for hours before we find her.”
Mose- Kate Hedrick
“He’s an adorable little mutt that my parents met in a bar. He likes to eat, dig holes in our yard, and sleep on the couch.”