by Jayla Shanmugam, Editor-in-Chief and Bri Nutter, Staff Writer
The following story was written by a student on the staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism Production course.

Coronavirus has swept the nation, but now most establishments are reopening. Many high schools have begun to start in person instruction, and this has created a lot of anxiety in students who are at high risk for COVID-19. High risk students include students that have asthma, diabetes, or any other immuno-compromising diseases. So, The Jaguar Times wanted to go behind the scenes to see how students and teachers are feeling about COVID-19 and all of the changes it’s brought to our everyday life.
In order to keep students safe, Hilliard Bradley has established new protocols. The Jaguar Times asked Mrs. Ashline to explain what the new protocols are and she commented, “Students are not allowed to come to the clinic without the teacher calling ahead of time. There is also a separate clinic for ill vs injured. I have had to remove seating and rearrange the clinic to make sure a six foot distance is kept at all times.” When asked about teaching and managing protocols regarding COVID-19 Mr. Witt commented, “It is definitely challenging to navigate all the added protocols of COVID on top of the teaching responsibilities, but it is worth it to be able to be in school and have people here in person.” This is a very positive mindset to have during these hard times. Even though there have been many changes to Bradley, the outcome of in person teaching is more beneficial.

As amazing as it has been to be back in school, many kids are very anxious about contracting the Coronavirus, especially those who are at high risk. The Jaguar Times asked some students about how COVID-19 has affected them. Elyanna Rondon (11) commented, “It’s affected it both positively and negatively. I now have a whole different mindset since before quarantine, but I became more lonely and started to overthink a lot.” KC Sandy (12) agreed, “Covid has had some give and take on my mental health. I am a person that thrives on interaction with others, and so when my relationships with other people felt cut off I felt alone.” Coronavirus has affected people in their everyday lives both physically and mentally.
In light of the pandemic, it is so important that everyone is being as safe as they can be. This can be done through social distancing and wearing a mask that covers not only the mouth, but also the nose. Mrs. Ashline commented on being safe, “Make sure you are following social distancing guidelines, wearing a mask, and washing hands properly. Also it is important to make sure you maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of rest.” This guidance seems to be repeated over and over because it is incredibly vital to follow in order to flatten the curve. No matter what challenges we face because of COVID-19, we will stay united as a school. Stay safe Jags!