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Bradley’s Model United Nations makes a difference in the world

Writer's picture: Lina ElmajdoubiLina Elmajdoubi

by Lina Elmajdoubi

Staff Writer

The following story was written by a student on The Staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism Production course.

 Last year’s model UN students pose for a group picture. Photo by Lucy Cotter (11).
Last year’s model UN students pose for a group picture. Photo by Lucy Cotter (11).

Model UN which stands for United Nations is a club at Hilliard Bradley High School. They are a group of students who assemble together and meet twice a month to talk about issues in the U.S. and other countries around the world. In Model UN you are assigned a group, in this group you represent a country and try to find solutions to ongoing problems that country faces.

Bradley students join Model UN for many reasons. Olivia Bogue (10) says, “I like the people and the different aspects of each country.” There are always those peers that make everything more special and fun. That is one of the big reasons students join clubs is to socialize and make new friends. Mr. Bleh, the adviser of Model UN shares, “I have always been interested in international affairs.” Many of the members have a passion for making the world a better place. Although these issues don’t relate to the U.S. they still strive above and beyond to make everyone's voice is heard.

Many high schools only have a few clubs so we should be grateful for the things Bradley students get to experience through these different student bodies. Chase Zwilling (11) says, “I enjoy Model UN because we get to learn about new places and we get to argue with people about it and try and convince other people how to make the world a better place.” Who doesn’t like learning about new places? It’s so interesting getting to experience new cultures. Kais Melhem (12) states, “what made me a part of Model UN was my love for geography, world history, and foreign affairs. These have been my favorite subjects for quite some time.” What makes this club so important is the impact the club members wish to make.

If Model UN sounds like something you would be interested in then you might want to join it next year. If you don’t play sport, there are always other ways to be involved. Join clubs and make a connection with people because these four years of high school are all about finding something that you truly care about. You don’t get to experience them again.

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This website was produced by students on the staff of The Jaguar Times as part of Hilliard Bradley High School’s Journalism and Broadcast Media Production elective.

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